Designation of disaster areas through Building Standards Act


2011.03.18 13:50Concerning the designation of disaster areas through the Building Standards Act Article 85 Section 1 Provision

Concerning the designation of disaster areas through the Building Standards Act Article 85 Section 1 provision.

Due to the major earthquake off the pacific coastline in the Tohoku area on 2011 March 11th, in order to relax regulations on emergency temporary buildings, We announced a disaster area designation based on Section 1 Provision of Article 85 of the Building Standards Act (1950 Act 201) in the way explained below.


  1. The day the disaster occurred
    2011 March 11th (Tohoku Area Pacific Ocean Earthquake)

  2. The extent of the disaster area
    The entire area of Hachinohe City

  3. Date and number of announcement
    2011 March 17th   Announcement number 44

Reference: Building Standards Act Article 85 Section 1

When an emergency disaster occurs, within areas that specific government ministries and agencies designate at the area the disaster occurred or nearby areas, for a month after the day the disaster occurred, provisions addressing the emergency repair of buildings damaged by the disaster and construction of emergency temporary buildings applicable to the definitions listed below through the Building Standards Act become inapplicable. However, within fire protection areas this does not apply and provisions are still effective.


  1. Buildings constructed by national and local public entities or the Japanese red cross for disaster relief.
  2. Buildings constructed for the personal use of disaster victims that have a total floor area within 30 square meters


(attention)Due to this designation the Building Standards Act becomes inapplicable. For information on other Acts please contact the section in charge of each Act.


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